Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday's Message

Well my little man was acting really fussy today so we took him to Urgent Care. Turns out he did have a low grade fever but he's going to be ok. We got back home and put him to bed and I joined in on a Twitter party with Hispanicize. It's a social media site for Hispanic bloggers. I scored a $100 gift card to Walmart! Yay me! But it's also sparked my interest in joining this group to help expand and grow my blog and possibly become a brand. How cool would that be?!

Hispanicize is hosting a conference in Miami in April. I'm seriously considering applying to become the Latina Mom blogger site representative. It would be a great opportunity for myself & my "business."  I have made some great contacts thru this group. Also to maximize on the fact that I am bi-lingual and I can reach even more people offering my information in English & in Spanish. Hispanics like to win too. LOL 

I'm learning something new about myself lately though. I don't have much confidence in myself. You know the saying "The world is your oyster," I know and realize it is but still am shy to the process.  I've got to add another page to my blog regarding the other thing in my life that is giving me obstacles.  Running.. You thought I was going to say my life or family, nope not this blogger. I Love my life and LOVE my family, they are my heart. 

No sweeping info today, just a closer look into me. What are your strengths & weaknesses? Leave me a comment we can all grow together!  


  1. Yay Candy!!! Congrats on your gift card! I hope your baby is better now!

  2. Thanks Yadira! He's sleeping now =)Thank God! Today was tough =(
