When I'm full on alert while on Twitter sometimes I'll notice a tweet about up coming trivia. Wednesday seems to be a hot day for trivia #WinItWednesday is a popular hash tag! Last week I won a a t-shirt from @PureBarre and this week I won some K-Cup coffee samples from @CafeExpress! I dont' normally like to talk about my wins because I want this blog to be about you! And your wins ofcourse! It gives me a sense of accomplishment knowing I helped you win!
Back on to #WinItWednesday. I also wanted to share a photo of what came in the mail today- thanks to my dear Twitter. Also some contests will only ask for a re-tweet -hey that's a no brainer- no work, just hit the little re-tweet arrow! Also make sure you follow the brand as well.
Thanks to @ScrubbingBubbles and a fellow Twitter friend I won a Scrubbing Bubbles prize pack that was delivered via UPS! Oh yeah.. UPS! Love it!
Sometimes brands will ask you to post a reply or re-tweet a statement including a fellow Twitter friend. When your post is chosen you and your friend that you listed in the post win! YES! A Two-For-One WIN!! That doesn't happen in sweepstakes!!
Not sure if I'm that lucky, I'm becoming a Twitter
I tell you what, leave me a post with your Twitter handle and when I see the, I call them "Partner" posts I'll post your twitter handle in there with mine and hope we are chosen to win!! Just make to keep an eye out for my tweets and make sure to follow the brand that we are tag-teaming for a joint prize! If not it won't work.. and the brand won't award us a prize.. Atleast I wouldn't if you didn't follow me.. hahaha.
I plan on posting once a week- hopefully more but it will just have to depend on what life has thrown my way that week.
I'll have another post hopefully on Friday to release some good news on my end.
So leave me your Twitter Handle and make sure to Follow Me @candypo
Here's another question- do you think I should change my handle to @SkepSweeper ? I've contemplated it yet am not sure I want to make the complete plunge..silly I know.
The Skeptical Sweeper
Skeptical Still? Keep Reading, Start Entering so you can start WINNING!!!