Friday, March 9, 2012

The Balancing Act

My family and I will be taking a Spring Break vacation and I will be away from blogging during this time. Let's face it I can'y stay away. My posts may be a little shorter, but I am sure I'll be online to post a few blogs while on vacay.

I won't however, be participating in Twitter parties during this time; or at least not for my own personal purposes. I'm planning on doing a tutorial with a friend of mine. 

Recently a friend and fellow blogger posted a blog about finding the balance between being online doing sweeps and having time to do everyday chores and having family time. Check out her blog post here:  Check out her site too

I have spoken to other friends about the time they spend entering sweeps and being online for Twitter parties or searching for sweeps and etc.  Some of it may sound alarming to people that aren't normally "connected" as I like to call it aka being online.  Being on the computer isn't the only way you can be connected or online; you can be via your mobile phone, tablet or iPad or worst all of the above at the same time.  I have found that when I'm not sitting in front of my computer I check email, Facebook and Twitter on my iPhone.  You would hate to miss an email letting you know you won something right? It's part of the madness.. LOL 

How do you find your balance? Do you struggle with having to decide on what you want to do because of lack of time? Leave me a comment on what your struggles are with balancing life and fun. 

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